What: INDIE9000 gamejam
When: 31st of May - 2nd of June
Where: Nordkraft, Aalborg
If you've been thinking "I wonder what I'll spend my weekends on", look no further, I have the answer for you! GAMEJAMS!
What is a gamejam?
A gamejam is an event in which a collection of creative people come together for short periods of time, and make games together, based on a theme or specific constraints. A lot of big games got their start at gamejams, such as World of Goo, Spore and Braid.
Picture from a previous INDIE9000 gamejam
There's a gamejam happening in Aalborg real soon, and there's still tickets available!
We'll also be dispatching the Bermuda bus to transport you to Aalborg and back for free! Neat!
Sign up here: http://indiejam.dk/indie9000-abent-for-tilmeldinger/?lang=en
Sign up today, and send me an email (emkj@viauc.dk) if you want to jump on the free bus!